Sunday, May 8, 2011

To the Worlds BEST Mother!



My Mother

I am so grateful I was born into a family, with so much peace and love. When I look at pictures of my birth, I can see how happy I made my mother. A daughter that looks like her and anticipation of what her daughters future will be. My mother has taught me a great deal of things. Licking the cookie dough off the beaters, making a dandelion wish, and how to hide your chocolate from your husband. Most importantly she taught me how to love myself and not to be afraid of obstacle in life. Looking at my mom I see how strong of a woman see is. She has set a great example for my sisters and I, on how womenhood should be.

Mom...I want to thank you for everything. Since I've moved, even though the distance holds us apart I feel our relationship has grown stronger. I look forward to our future together and I know we will spend more time with each other as well. Im so excited for you to be a grandma! (someday). I love you, and thank you for all you do! Happy mothers day!


Dear Mom,

If I were to pick three words that describe what you've given to me....they would be INSPIRATION, SELF CONFIDENCE, and LOVE.

You've been inspiring me my whole life. I remember watching you run your first marathon and thinking how proud I was of you and how I hope to have the strength and ability to accomplish something similar in my life. Now here you are doing it again! at age "35" (wink wink) running a triathlon making all the rest of us look bad with your posts on facebook! You inspire me to push myself past what is possible and accomplish things in my life that will give me happiness and the feeling of fulfillment. You are my role model and always have been. I hope to have as much success as you have had! 

You have taught me so much in my life and have given me so much self confidence. Remember when we ran my first 5k together? The feeling of accomplishment changed my life. Not only did you get me started in running, you taught me my first backhand spring in the back signed me up for dance and traveled with me to St. George to cheer me on, you signed me up for cheer and no matter what decision I made for whatever team I wanted to be on, you were always by my side. How many LONG and boring competitions did you sit through to cheer me on? You drove me to practice, some times stayed to watch and sometimes even dealt with the psycho cheer moms! I've always been a very goal-oriented, self-assured person.....but only because I learned that from you. Your support and examples gave me the confidence and trust that I needed to be able to accomplish the things that I have so far. And now look, you've even got me running a TRIATHLON with you on my 21st birthday........I'm not quite so sure that was such a good idea on my part....but I'm excited to share the experience with you. 

As I was looking for pictures for this blog...I realized I couldn't find ANY of just you and I or you and one of the other kids. I had to crop almost all of these pictures...I thought that was strange but when I started to think about it I realized its because you were always the one BEHIND the camera. You were there for every special moment, even though you may not see it...but you can feel the love in each and every picture as if you were in it. Because of you Mom, my heart is filled with love. I love watching home videos of you with us as kids. You were so soft spoken. You can literally hear the love in your voice. I know how to love and how to BE LOVED because of the way you and dad loved us kids. The hardest thing that I've ever had to do in my life was the day I dropped you off at the airport when you drove me to California. I remember it like it was yesterday. Saying good bye to you was so hard and intensely emotional that I still tear up every time I think about that moment and watching you leave in my rear view mirror. I cried all the way to my new home. That was the moment that I actually realized how amazing of parents I have. I just want you to know that I DONT take you for granted. I think about your unconditional love and all the tools that you've given me to be successful in life and thank God for it every day. I am who I am today because of the woman that you are. I hope to be half the mother that you are some day. Thank you for being my inspiration, courage and love! 

With unconditional love, 


Dear Mom,  

Your the best mom a son could ask for, thanks for sticking with me no matter what.


Dear Mom,

Thank you for everything you have done for me in my life. Thank you for supporting me with my new job, thank you for always being there for me when I need help with something, you are an amazing mom, and an inspiration to me and the family I love you so much have a terrific mothers day!!!!!!!!

P.S: celeb apprentice tonight....
Dear mom,

thank you for everything you do for me it means a lot even though I never really show it and I complain sometimes about money but I really couldn't ask for a better mom. I love you!



1 comment:

  1. This is the best Mother's Day gift EVER! I love each of you.
